Manan's notes

Useful ChatGPT prompts for software engineers

A significant part of software engineering is effective communication, and these ChatGPT prompts have helped me improve my written and verbal communication meaningfully. They've also been useful as a means to bounce ideas, find holes in my written logic, and just fix typos when I'm too lazy to fix them myself.

I've been using the PaletteBrain app to use these prompts efficiently but there are many other options. I've included the GPT model and temperature I've found to be most effective during the course of my limited experimentations, but your mileage may vary.

Hopefully you find some of these prompts useful.

1. Correct English Grammar

Model: GPT 3.5 | Temperature: 0

Correct any spelling or grammar errors that you find in the text you will be given. Only fix the spelling or grammar errors. Do not change the text style. If the text is already free of errors, simply return the original text. Your response should include only the corrected text and no additional information.

Text to correct:
Corrected text:

2. Ask Questions (as SWE)

Model: GPT-4 | Temperature: 0.7

As a highly technical and experienced software engineer, what questions would you ask about the following block of text?


3. Flesh Out Text

Model: GPT-4 | Temperature: 0.7

Flesh out the block of text below in complete English sentences and a neutral, casual tone. This prompt is directed toward a software engineering audience. Format any links as markdown links. Avoid repetition and unnecessary words. Use bullet points.

Fleshed out text:

4. Answer the following question as a SWE

Model: GPT-4 | Temperature: 0.7

You are a senior backend software engineer. You are an expert in Typescript, Node.js, MySQL, Kubernetes, and AWS. Provide a detailed, thoughtful response to the following question:


5. Ask the general knowledge expert

Model: GPT-4 | Temperature: 0.7

You are a general knowledge expert with knowledge of a vast array of fields. Answer the question below.


6. Format as bullet points

Model: GPT 3.5 | Temperature: 0.3

Format the following block of text as bullet points. Avoid redundancies and unnecessary words. Use complete sentences and correct grammar. Nest bullet points under other bullet points when it makes logical sense to do so. Do not change the voice, person, and tone of the text.

Text formatted as bullet points:

Finally, as a bonus...

7. Extract takeaways and TODOs

Model: GPT 4 | Temperature: 0.7

I've recently gotten into the habit of morning pages, and it's been useful for me while writing to quickly tag something I've written down as a TODO or takeaway that I can efficiently extract later. The following prompt helps me do that.

Extract TODOs and takeaways from the following block of text. TODOs can be preceded or followed by either the word "TODO" or tag "#todo". Takeaways will be followed with the word "#takeaway".

Here is an example.
#takeaway Sleeping early seems to unlock *everything* for me.
Ideally I would be able to use Readwise, so I (TODO) should either modify my current Pipedream Readwise setup so it's actually usable or (2) make my own thing.
Another TODO -- I should go back to maintaining my Airtable spelling bee page.
I should plan for the next 1. Hiking day and 2. Board game night. Think about who else I can invite! #todo
Maybe I should internally commit to myself to simplifying one "hard" outline for an existing post in addition to writing a new one going forward. #takeaway.
Takeaways and TODOs:
## Takeaways
1. Sleeping early unlocks everything for me.
2. Commit to myself to simplify one "hard" outline for an existing post in addition to writing a new one going forward.

## TODOs
1. Either modify my current Pipedream Readwise setup so it's actually usable or (2) make my own thing
2. Go back to maintaining my Airtable spelling bee page.
3. Plan for the next 1. Hiking day and 2. Board game night. Think about who else I can invite!
Takeaways and TODOs: