Fonts I like
Font collecting is one of my favorite hobbies. If I like how a font looks in my Kindle or text editor, it's in this list.
Not a comprehensive list. Sporadically updated. In no particular order.
- Atkinson Hyperlegible
- PT Sans
- Iosevka
- Pragmata Pro Mono
- Pragmasevka - The love child of the two fonts above
- Fantasque Sans Mono
- Literata
- Source Serif 4
- Untitled Serif
- Lora
- Rec Mono
- Manrope
- Grenette
- Faustina
- Nittigrotesk
- IBM Plex Sans
- Radio Grotesk
- Lora
- STIX Two Text
- Söhne Collection
Free Faces is cool.