Manan's notes

On Building With Friends

I want to build wilder and more beautiful things with my friends. I’ve been trying to live this philosophy for a while. What does that actually mean though?

to build = to continuously be learning with and from those around me, be challenged, and to push myself to discover new places and possibilities. To participate in the process of ideating, designing, prototyping, experimenting with, and doing deep engineering, solo and together. Having the space to go off in a direction and explore a new primitive or paradigm, and bring something tangible back to examine together.

with friends = people who I trust, admire, and respect. Those who I can communicate with, who are exceptionally good at what they do, have humility and respect and a level of grit and ability to hold things and work on things even if they are not perfect. These are people I feel safe yet challenged with.

things = ultimately, I want to build software that helps people be more human. Whether that’s communicating in a richer way with one another, understanding oneself in a deeper way through introspection or by having one’s creativity nurtured and explored and prompted. Or helping a group of people coordinate to create something together, to express some truth about who they are together.