Manan's notes

Be uncomfortable

Personal growth comes from challenging yourself, which means embracing discomfort. Facing tough situations helps you understand your limitations and how you can overcome them.

Ways in which I've benefitted from feeling uncomfortable in 2023:

  1. I went backpacking for the first time this year despite being apprehensive about setting up a tent and a stove and generally lacking "common-sense" knowledge about the wild. I substantially enjoyed my experience and found it incredibly grounding and humbling. I've already gone on another trip and have three more backpacking trips planned for next year.
  2. I started to feel uncomfortable with my growth rate at work. I decided to try recruiting to see what other opportunities were out there, and have found one that I'm very excited about.
  3. I've always hesitated to host a party for my birthday. It felt self-absorbed to invite my friends to celebrate my existence, and I worried that not enough people would care enough to want to come. I pushed past this discomfort and finally hosted a birthday party this year, and it turns out that both of those two were very untrue. :)

How I'm planning on feeling uncomfortable in 2024:

  1. Posting regularly on social media, which I've never done in my life before and have several mental complexes about.
  2. Forcing myself to work out even when I'm not feeling mentally up to it.

Created from: Some of my values in life